Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fabric gift wrap

I had an overdue baby shower gift for my cousin and his wife that I needed to wrap before mailing. I was just about to dig out some wrapping paper and ribbons when I thought, "I must have fabric in my stash I can use."

I think these bits of the Cogsmo panel and circuitry print were just what I needed. I fussy cut two images from the panel, sewed a narrow channel across the top of each, sewed them together on three sides to make a simple bag, and then pulled (or rather, pushed with a bamboo skewer) a piece of wool yarn through each channel and tied them together to form a drawstring. Into the bag went a book. The shirt I just rolled up in a piece of the circuitry print and tied on either end with yarn so it looks like a big piece of candy. I hope they like the gifts, and I hope they can re-use the wrapping!