*sigh* Actually, that should be *SIGH* *GRRRR* *#%@$! crap*
It doesn't matter how much I test the settings on my machine with a little quilt sandwich before preparing to machine quilt. I mean, yeah, the test helps me get a ballpark idea of what's going to work in terms of tension and stitch length. But the real tests, unfortunately, have to wait until the actual bulky quilt is in the machine and I am attempting to do some actual machine quilting. And then it just becomes a game of "will this tension setting work better? No? What about this one?" I feel like I squandered the better part of a perfectly good overlapping nap period ripping out lines of quilting. On my last attempt, the top stitches finally looked good, but the bobbin tension is now far too loose and the back looks terrible.
So rather than use up the last few minutes of quiet ripping out that quilting, I did what any quilter in her right mind would do -- cut a big slice of the store-bought chocolate cake sitting on the counter and went to town. Figuring out what I'm doing wrong with my sewing machine will just have to wait.
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